The City of Mountain View is kicking off work on the Active Transportation Plan, which will provide a roadmap of projects and policies to support walking, rolling, and biking in the City of Mountain View.

The Active Transportation Plan aims to update and bring together the previously completed Pedestrian Master Plan and the Bicycle Transportation Plan, and will also incorporate green treatments as much as possible.
Fall 2022
NN Engineering is hired to develop the City of Mountain View Active Transportation Plan
Project work begins
Winter 2022/2023
Project advisory committees formed and hold first meetings:
Internal Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) with individuals representing departments across the city
External Active Transportation Public Advisory Committee (ATPAC) with individuals representing organization and agencies that serve the diverse community that lives, works and attends school in Mountain View
Spring/Summer 2023
Phase 1 of the project, Existing Conditions
Analysis of datasets such as city socio-demographics, land use, and transportation system modes/services available and infrastructure present and planned
Background review of local, regional and state policies and plans related to or influencing active transportation
Community engagement conducted to gather the community’s perspective about active transportation existing conditions in Mountain View, for example:
Online and print community mapping survey (see details below and in existing conditions report)
Community walking tours
Community bike tour
Ask MV input
Fall 2023
Presentation of Existing Conditions findings to TAC, ATPAC and Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)
Winter/Spring 2023/2024
Best practices review
Development of draft scoring criteria and presentation of draft scoring criteria to TAC, ATPAC, BPAC and City Council
Summer/Fall 2024
Scoring and draft list of potential projects
Development of policy recommendations
Engagement to gather input on potential projects list and policy recommendations
City Council
Winter/Spring 2024/2025
Draft final ATP
Engagement related to draft final ATP
The City of Mountain View will lead regionally by creating an active transportation system that strengthens the community's access to housing, employment, schools and other destinations.

Mobility & Connectivityā
Safety & Comfortā
Access & Equityā
Sustainability & Biodiversityā
Innovation & Action-Orientation
The Active Transportation Plan will enable the City to intentionally plan with policies that support walkable and bikeable places, programs that create a culture of walking and biking, and projects that produce a connected, low-stress and inviting active transportation network that doubles as corridors of shade, habitat and/or public open space. This network of streets and trails will encourage biking and walking, enhance biodiversity, and reduce climate change impacts.

āDraft Existing Conditions Report, Oct. 2023
Community Survey Responses, July 2023
Meeting minutes, presentation materials, and video recordings of presentations to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committe (BPAC):

Over the course of the project, this website will provide updates and information about progress on our work, as well as opportunities for you to share your voice. If you would like to stay up to date about the project via our email list, you can sign up by sharing your email address in the box below. You can also contact Brandon Whyte, Active Transportation Planner at the City of Mountain View, by email (Brandon.Whyte@mountainview.gov) or telephone (1-650-903-6525).